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Streamlining The Workflow

Blings Extension for Adobe After Effects

The Adobe extension is designed for professional video creators, enabling them to manage their entire video project lifecycle within their preferred editing software.

The extension facilitates rendering final compositions in MP5 format and uploading complete projects with all associated assets to Blings' online platforms.

To initiate the rendering and uploading process within the Blings project, the user manually creates and names scenes. These scenes serve as "placeholders" for the compositions from After Effects in the online Blings project.

Through interviews and monitoring user interactions via screen recordings, it became evident that users were struggling particularly with scene selection and creation. The support team also reported frequent queries about accidental scene overrides.

Methodology: User Interviews and Observations

After a thorough analysis of user interactions, I proposed to simplify the process by letting the user select the composition they wish to render and have the system create the “scene” using the compositions name. 

This adjustment allowed users to focus solely on selecting the desired composition to render, aligning with the traditional rendering process they were accustomed to.


I assumed that this change would lead to:

  • Efficiency: Reduced clicks and simplified decisions.

  • Accuracy: Minimized errors and accidental overrides.

  • Learning Curve: Shortened and simplified user onboarding.

  • User Interface: Cleaner and more intuitive.

Solution: Simplifying the concept of compositions in After Effects and scenes in the online platform by moving scene creation to the backend.

Through user interviews, and many support tickets, I found out that:

  • Confusion: Users were unclear on the concept of a "scene."

  • Redundancy: The possibility of re-rendering an updated scene was not apparent, prompting users to create multiple unnecessary scenes.

  • Errors: Accidental overrides of existing scenes were frequent.

  • Lack of Information: Users lacked details about last scene updates, such as the last modification date. Caused confusion in the case of multiple users working on the same project.

Identified Problem: User confusion around the concept of “scenes” led to multiple scene creations and scene overrides. 

The extention Redesign process in Figma

Upon Getting all the stakeholders onboard, I collaborated closely with the product management and R&D team to redefine the user flow, integrating the composition and scene management into a unified asset.

This allowed us to add features such as:

  • Success and failure indicators

  • Timestamps for projects and scenes

  • Improved re-rendering capabilities

  • Direct scene access ("Go to Scene")

  • Multi-scene selection for batch rendering

Results: The redesign significantly improved user satisfaction by focusing functionality exclusively on rendering tasks.

50% faster task completion

Demonstrating a substantial enhancement in workflow efficiency.

Dramatic decrease in issuse

Related to scene overrides and accidental duplications, essentially eliminating such issues. 

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